Tactical soccer training
Tactical soccer training

tactical soccer training

However, it is less valuable to explain activities performed in dynamic and complex environments, focusing on the ecologic and systems perspective ( Wharton and Rossi, 2015). The cognitive perspective of coordination function through to the shared cognition or knowledge is helpful to explain discrete tasks. For some authors, interpersonal coordination in team sports requires shared cognition to be effective ( Gershgoren et al., 2016) for others, it requires shared affordances ( Silva et al., 2013 Araújo et al., 2016). It is often called interpersonal coordination due to its social nature ( Cornejo et al., 2017), which consists of the extend of synchronisation, specification, and stabilisation of behaviours (e.g., body movements or verbal remarks) between two or more people in social interaction ( Bernieri and Rosenthal, 1991 Castañer et al., 2010, 2016). Team coordination involves arranging the team members’ behaviours according to their type, timing, and location to achieve the most significant outcome for the team ( Eccles, 2010). This study’s findings could help coaches give specific tips to players regarding interpersonal coordination in defence and set strategies to make tactical behaviour emerge globally. Defenders performed behaviours farther from the ball carrier, and player-marking were most recurrent to an effective defence. In the draw, first half, second-tier quality of opponent and play-offs excluding third place and final matches, the ball regularly shifted from upper to lower field zones in short periods, resulting in ball recovery or shot on goal conceded.

tactical soccer training

Moreover, the third defender had a predominant role in his teammates’ temporisation and covering zone behaviours.

tactical soccer training

Field zones, first defender tactical and technical behaviours, and ball carrier first touch constituted opportunities for defenders to coordinate themselves. Results evidenced a T-pattern of the first defender pressuring the ball carrier and his teammates concentrating at the same zone to cover him or space, leading to ball recovery. A total of 15,369 (480.28 ± 112.37) events and 49 to 12,398 different patterns in 32 games of the 2014 FIFA World Cup’s play-offs were detected and analysed. This article aims to study the coordination of the defenders’ tactical and technical behaviour of successful teams to recover the ball according to contextual variables. 2Lleida Institute for Biomedical Research (IRBLleida), Lleida, Spain.1National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia, University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain.Tiago Fernandes 1, Oleguer Camerino 1,2 and Marta Castañer 2*

Tactical soccer training